confer status 2.24   Being part of it confers status.
  confer power 1.97   It was said to confer kingly powers.
  confer right 1.38   Membership confers the right to work freely within the Union.
  confer benefit 1.32   It confers huge benefits.
  confer citizenship 1.25   Neither confers citizenship.
  confer legitimacy 1.18   An inauguration is a civic ritual that transfers power and confers legitimacy.
  confer degree 1.12   Degrees are conferred at Graduation Ceremonies.
  confer advantage 0.92   The special nature of information confers another advantage.
  confer resistance 0.86   In other cases two or three mutations must occur together to confer resistance.
  confer immunity 0.79   Getting chickenpox confers lifetime immunity.
  confer protection 0.79   An attack of cholera can confer partial protection against future attacks.
  confer authority 0.46   Titles do not confer authority.
  confer blessing 0.46   Defoe considered it to be manufacturing which conferred this blessing on a vicinity.
  confer recognition 0.39   Negotiating with the rebels would tend to confer international recognition of them, he noted.
  confer title 0.39   The title was conferred some time ago for his services to the State and country.
  confer award 0.33   The award was conferred in a ceremony attended by Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko.
  confer membership 0.33   The Academy only started conferring full membership on women last year.
  confer aura 0.26   The festival confers an aura of privilege and shared experience.
  confer dignity 0.26   Such interest confers a dignity on the whole exchange.
  confer honor 0.26   The prize confers honor and, within fairly modest limits, guarantees additional sales.
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