conduct test 67.15   Bre-X will conduct more tests.
  conduct investigation 41.21   But no investigation was conducted.
  conduct study 39.24   - How was the study conducted?
  conduct business 36.41   Conduct business.
  conduct research 31.20   ...rigorously conducted research.
  conduct interview 29.62   The interview was conducted in French.
  conduct search 29.43   Bomb searches were conducted.
  conduct survey 28.51   The magazine conducted a survey.
  conduct trial 18.24   A public trial was conducted.
  conduct experiment 17.05   I decided to conduct an experiment.
  conduct poll 15.21   ESPN conducted the poll.
  conduct operation 14.88   Europeans should conduct peace operations.
  conduct inquiry 12.44   And the police will conduct an inquiry.
  conduct hearing 12.24   The hearing was conducted on the edge of chaos.
  conduct negotiation 11.72   We were conducting negotiations for them.
  conduct review 10.40   Conducting the reviews is risky.
  conduct check 10.20   Conduct regular checks on your water quality.
  conduct raid 9.94   The first police raid was conducted in April.
  conduct talk 9.41   Federal mediators are conducting the talks.
  conduct inspection 9.35   He was conducting an inspection in the factory.
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