condemned man 6.91   The condemned man looked up.
  condemned prisoner 3.29   There is an appeal process for condemned prisoners.
  condemned inmate 3.09   He has spared one condemned inmate.
  condemned killer 2.50   For a time, he was confined with condemned killers.
  condemned criminal 0.66   China has begun tests on executing condemned criminals by lethal injection, official sources said Tuesday.
  condemned murderer 0.66   A few months ago a condemned murderer was flown from New York to Oklahoma.
  condemned person 0.66   The dignity of the condemned person.
  condemned building 0.59   If I bought a fixer-upper home, I could quickly turn it into a condemned building.
  condemned terrorism 0.53   He said Addis-based OAU has consistently condemned terrorism and favors an international response to it.
  condemned house 0.33   It was you who took Sybil treasure hunting in that condemned house.
  condemned activist 0.26   Amnesty International is urging those concerned about the condemned activists to send appeals to Khin Nyunt.
  condemned convict 0.26   Even though the parole board makes only a recommendation to the governor on clemency, its suggestion can mean life or death to a condemned convict.
  condemned individual 0.26   The Khmer Rouge photographed and documented each condemned individual before he was taken out and killed.
  condemned violence 0.26   Belo has condemned violence by either side in the conflict, and strives to protect his flock from Indonesian attacks.
  condemned woman 0.26   He said the condemned woman died hoping the state would see some merit in her conversion and rehabilitation.
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