commemorate anniversary 4.08   Government finally commemorating anniversary of Idi Amin ouster,
  commemorate victim 3.16   Russians commemorate victims of the Soviet repressions.
  commemorate event 2.70   The event is now commemorated as Anzac Day.
  commemorate death 1.58   Commemorate death so that life may win.
  commemorate dead 1.45   There are better ways to commemorate the dead.
  commemorate day 1.38   The day was commemorated with prayers and memorials in Gujarat.
  commemorate end 1.38   Afghanistan commemorates end of communist rule.
  commemorate occasion 1.38   He succeeded, and wears a hat commemorating the occasion.
  commemorate victory 1.25   A lurid tattoo on his thigh commemorated his victory.
  commemorate sacrifice 0.92   Eid al-Adha commemorates the sacrifice of Abraham.
  commemorate exodus 0.66   Passover commemorates the exodus of the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
  commemorate massacre 0.66   Taiwan commemorates a massacre.
  commemorate liberation 0.59   Clinton is in Italy on the first leg of a week-long tour of Europe to commemorate the liberation of Italy and D-Day.
  commemorate visit 0.59   Plaques commemorating royal visits lined a wall near the slot machines.
  commemorate centennial 0.53   The idea of commemorating the centennial also caused some discord.
  commemorate life 0.53   But she never expected that commemorating his life also would take years of effort.
  commemorate soldier 0.53   The annual parade commemorates the soldiers who died in the two World Wars.
  commemorate centenary 0.46   The Hotel Scribe plans a multi-channel video presentation to commemorate the centenary.
  commemorate history 0.46   The plan is to turn the quarry into a park commemorating its history.
  commemorate battle 0.39   Communist leader leads march commemorating bloody battle between government and opposition.
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