climate be 14.55   Its climate is odd too.
  climate change 5.27   The climate changed.
  climate improve 1.84   The climate has improved.
  climate make 1.58   The desert climate makes it.
  climate become 0.92   To them this climate had became monotonous.
  climate help 0.79   The benign climate helped.
  climate affect 0.72   The world political climate affects tea, too.
  climate remain 0.72   But the climate remains chilly.
  climate have 0.59   But the climate has to be right.
  climate persist 0.59   The climate of violence persists.
  climate warm 0.59   The models predict that as the climate warms, the swings should generally become more summerlike.
  climate favor 0.53   Sometimes climate favors the Russians.
  climate seem 0.53   The climate seems out of joint.
  climate allow 0.46   A warming climate has allowed the parasite to spread.
  climate deteriorate 0.46   Unfortunately, the climate deteriorated.
  climate exist 0.46   A tropical climate exists year-round.
  climate turn 0.46   On Capitol Hill, the climate has turned ugly.
  climate bring 0.39   A changing climate will bring rising tides.
  climate continue 0.39   The German economic climate will continue to squeeze earnings, Kopper said.
  climate get 0.39   But only Valovic provides a revealing map of how the climate of opinion got from there to here.
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