citizen group 8.10   Citizen groups would get a channel.
  citizen complaint 3.03   Citizen complaints are down by two-thirds in your six years.
  citizen committee 1.58   First, a citizens advisory committee must OK it.
  citizen participation 1.51   We need citizen participation.
  citizen access 1.05   The federal law gives citizens access to government records.
  citizen lawsuit 0.86   The House bill expressly allows such citizen lawsuits.
  citizen panel 0.79   That would be determined by the five-member citizen panel.
  citizen charter 0.72   I also welcome the citizens charter.
  citizen initiative 0.66   Citizen initiatives are good for democracy and a jewel of self-government.
  citizen militia 0.66   The book defends citizen militias.
  citizen board 0.59   Today, Roth welcomed the idea of a citizen board.
  citizen activist 0.53   The first shots in the tobacco wars were fired by citizen activists.
  citizen service 0.53   It will be open to emergency American citizen services only.
  citizen soldier 0.53   But the announcement Monday significantly expands the reliance on the citizen soldiers.
  citizen action 0.39   Citizen action also increased.
  citizen commission 0.39   Korenstein said she finds irony in what the citizen commission proposed for her district.
  citizen council 0.39   An Ashcroft aide said the senator repudiated the citizens council.
  citizen input 0.39   You must solicit citizen input.
  citizen involvement 0.39   The association pushes for citizen involvement in investigating the complaints.
  citizen organization 0.39   Citizen organizations have been similarly emerging across much of the world.
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