cite source 53.98   Stone cites two sources.
  cite concern 40.62   It cited budget concerns.
  cite reason 34.96   It cited two reasons.
  cite example 19.22   He cited an example.
  cite lack 18.04   Some cited a lack of aggressive defense.
  cite case 17.25   He cites two cases.
  cite report 16.79   He cited reports from peacekeepers in Zepa.
  cite problem 12.71   He cited back problems.
  cite official 11.06   He cited officials close to the investigation.
  cite need 10.93   He cites the need for secrecy.
  cite evidence 9.48   It cited weak evidence.
  cite study 8.43   He cites studies that back his point.
  cite fear 7.37   Analysts cited fears of a recession.
  cite difference 6.78   Ms. Anderson cited irreconcilable differences.
  cite number 6.39   No number was cited.
  cite law 6.19   The same law is cited in the new complaint.
  cite policy 5.99   Venezuela refused, citing government policy.
  cite rule 5.99   Nixon refused, citing House rules.
  cite demand 5.20   Traders cited weaker demand from builders.
  cite figure 4.67   No figures were cited.
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