choose as 36.21   Cindy was chosen as salutatorian.
  choose in 21.53   Each was chosen in the third round.
  choose among 20.28   How do you choose among them?
  choose to 11.06   He chose to race.
  choose over 6.06   Why was his brain chosen over others?
  choose because_of 5.00   Reid was chosen because of his name.
  choose on 4.87   But on Wednesday Bahceli chose to overrule them.
  choose at 4.41   Andrew Walker was chosen at fullback.
  choose with 3.88   He chose with a keen eye.
  choose by 3.09 won the award as chosen by online voters.
  choose after 2.96   The winner was to be chosen after more interviews.
  choose through 1.78   Successful candidates are chosen through interviews.
  choose on_the_basis_of 1.18   Snowshoes are chosen on the basis of body weight.
  choose without 0.99   Therefore the squads were chosen without him playing Test match cricket.
  choose from 0.72   There are a number of subjects from which to choose, from astronomy to poetry.
  choose before 0.66   Two white women and a white man also were chosen before court recessed for the day.
  choose during 0.66   The remainder are to be chosen during elections in July.
  choose against 0.59   If voters do choose against Ashcroft, the issue might be decided in Washington.
  choose within 0.59   A permanent replacement is to be chosen within a few months.
  choose under 0.53   The National Front currently holds only one seat, chosen under the majority voting system.
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