chant slogan 37.20   Demonstrators chanted slogans.
  chant name 9.22   Fans chant his name.
  chant prayer 3.62   Is he chanting prayers?
  chant song 1.32   Many waved banners and chanted songs.
  chant hymn 0.99   The priest chanted hymns.
  chant support 0.86   They were chanting support for the three accused.
  chant mantra 0.66   Mr Sharma lit incense and chanted Sanskrit mantras.
  chant verse 0.53   A marching band played, and an imam chanted Quranic verses.
  chant obscenity 0.46   The crowd chanted obscenities and booed.
  chant nickname 0.39   We chanted the nicknames.
  chant praise 0.39   They beat traditional bedug drums and chanted praise to Allah to mark the end of the Ramadhan fasting month.
  chant scripture 0.39   The canvas tent then reverberated with the sounds of monks chanting scriptures.
  chant insult 0.33   Rival insults were chanted louder than the cheers.
  chant demand 0.26   Students could be heard chanting their demands from inside a school dormitory.
  chant phrase 0.26   Editors chant that phrase in their catechism.
  chant psalm 0.26   Early Monday religious people chanted psalms and secular youths played guitar and hugged one another.
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