cervical cancer 16.52   Cervical cancer.
  cervical vertebra 1.32   She fractured her cervical vertebrae.
  cervical spine 1.12   ...the discs in the upper cervical spine.
  cervical cell 0.92   It found her abnormal cervical cells after regular Paps showed her as normal.
  cervical strain 0.59   Campbell, who was needed to offset Duncan, was nursing a cervical strain.
  cervical collar 0.53   Doctors commonly prescribe cervical collars to keep the neck stable.
  cervical lesion 0.39   All four patients had cervical lesions.
  cervical mucus 0.39   They also cause changes in the cervical mucus that can make it impenetrable by sperm.
  cervical disc 0.33   Mercer has cervical herniated discs in his neck, Duva said.
  cervical dysplasia 0.33   Questions on cervical dysplasia and progesterone-only birth control pills.
  cervical injury 0.33   Such damage is known as a high cervical injury.
  cervical stenosis 0.26   The condition, known as cervical stenosis, is basically a narrowing of the spinal canal.
  cervical tissue 0.26   But many women must undergo invasive procedures to remove the cervical tissue.
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