centre stage 3.95   Shares in the Dassault group took centre stage.
  centre court 2.63   Graf is last to play on centre court.
  centre circle 0.53   Atkinson rushed to the centre circle, urging them to return to their seats.
  centre street 0.46   Police blocked off the city centre streets.
  centre area 0.39   Breathe from the base of the spine to the heart centre area.
  centre building 0.39   The ITAR-TASS news agency said the presidential palace and other city centre buildings were on fire.
  centre line 0.39   A soldier stood on the centre line of the road, his arm upraised.
  centre manager 0.39   Mr Albion Small, Cornmill centre manager, welcomed the news.
  centre back 0.33   Santos proved centre backs can be attacking assets, too.
  centre ground 0.33   Mr Aznar has successfully occupied the centre ground.
  centre official 0.33   The holding centre official said it would be closed at the end of the month.
  centre party 0.33   ...the centre parties.
  centre section 0.33   Its wooden centre section can be raised and lowered to form a defensive barrier.
  centre shop 0.33   Town centre shops sell everything a demonstrator could need.
  centre staff 0.33   First impressions indicate that the new awards are being warmly welcomed by centre staff.
  centre traffic 0.33   Town centre traffic has increased but no new car parks have been built recently.
  centre one 0.26   The east end is apsidal with four smaller apses grouped round the centre one.
  centre page 0.26   My task was to carry out an interview with a local celebrity, and write it up for the centre page.
  centre point 0.26   The rotation feature allows one to rotate a figure around a centre point.
  centre spokesman 0.26   The crisis centre spokesman said the injured were taken to eight different hospitals in the region.
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