carry attack 46.35   The attack was not carried out.
  carry weapon 41.47   Does he carry a weapon?
  carry gun 37.52   Each carried a gun.
  carry weight 30.68   Does that carry some weight with you?
  carry risk 23.30   But even tourism carries risks.
  carry message 17.84   Pagers carry text messages.
  carry test 17.77   The tests were not carried out.
  carry passenger 16.39   Floatplanes carry passengers there.
  carry sentence 16.39   The sentence was never carried out.
  carry report 15.21   Other media carried similar reports.
  carry bag 14.48   He carried a bag.
  carry load 13.96   So, they carry more loads.
  carry banner 12.71   Some carried banners in Hebrew.
  carry team 12.64   Seau carries his team.
  carry execution 12.44   No executions have been carried out.
  carry penalty 11.98   The warning carries no penalty.
  carry virus 11.85   They were carrying the virus.
  carry day 11.65   Jargon carries the day.
  carry body 11.13   A group of men carry a body.
  carry people 10.99   People get carried away by lilacs.
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