capacity crowd 9.48   The capacity crowd ate it up.
  capacity utilization 7.24   We have full factory capacity utilization.
  capacity expansion 1.32   Analysts and investors expect capacity expansions to be modest.
  capacity constraint 1.18   The shortfall reflects manufacturing capacity constraints.
  capacity audience 0.99   The lecture attracted a capacity audience.
  capacity growth 0.86   These moves represent small reductions in capacity growth.
  capacity increase 0.86   It has been slowly lifting restrictions as its processing capacity increases.
  capacity problem 0.86   All wireless carriers have capacity problems.
  capacity figure 0.72   The October capacity figure was the lowest since March.
  capacity utilisation 0.72   However, capacity utilisation increased.
  capacity building 0.66   He still advocates self-reliance and building the capacity of black people.
  capacity glut 0.46   Signs of a chip capacity glut are everywhere.
  capacity use 0.46   One of the main indicators of rising capacity use is a falling unemployment rate.
  capacity limit 0.39   One has to satisfy state capacity limits.
  capacity charge 0.26   Capacity charges include Capacity Financial Rate and Fixed Operating Rate.
  capacity chip 0.26   Increasingly powerful computers and demanding software need higher capacity memory chips.
  capacity datum 0.26   Reports on industrial production and capacity utilization data for April follow the next day.
  capacity level 0.26   The company cited lower-than-expected capacity levels for the falloff.
  capacity rate 0.26   In addition, the government reported that capacity use rates fell and business inventories rose.
  capacity requirement 0.26   Expecting a further decline of overall traffic, the company said it will review capacity requirements.
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