breakthrough season 3.09   This could be a breakthrough season.
  breakthrough agreement 2.76   Protests started even as the breakthrough agreement emerged.
  breakthrough year 1.91   But this was his breakthrough year.
  breakthrough victory 1.51   It was a breakthrough victory for her.
  breakthrough performance 1.18   This was her breakthrough performance.
  breakthrough drug 0.99   Remove the return on investments, and you can forget breakthrough drugs.
  breakthrough game 0.92   Neither was evident in their breakthrough game.
  breakthrough technology 0.86   He said that designing a containment vessel might be the breakthrough technology.
  breakthrough role 0.79   But her breakthrough role?
  breakthrough accord 0.66   Lengthy peace talks led to a breakthrough human rights accord last March, but talks have since stalled.
  breakthrough product 0.66   But no such breakthrough product is in sight.
  breakthrough moment 0.59   There were breakthrough moments.
  breakthrough deal 0.46   No hope seems to remain of a breakthrough deal.
  breakthrough treatment 0.39   The authors are less optimistic about a similar breakthrough treatment for people with cystic fibrosis, though.
  breakthrough win 0.39   There is something about that breakthrough win.
  breakthrough discovery 0.33   This was a breakthrough discovery.
  breakthrough hit 0.33   Could they succeed without the writer of their breakthrough hit?
  breakthrough title 0.33   But not one without its breakthrough titles.
  breakthrough artist 0.26   The career of a breakthrough artist has a peculiar shape.
  breakthrough idea 0.26   Then Bill had a breakthrough idea.
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