box be 23.44   All boxes are full.
  box contain 4.61   The boxes contained papers.
  box have 4.15   Has info box.
  box appear 1.25   The text box will appear.
  box come 1.25   This box comes in black, white or green.
  box fill 0.92   E-mail boxes will fill.
  box hold 0.92   Check that the box will hold the fixture.
  box sit 0.92   The box sits on a flatbed truck.
  box arrive 0.79   And then one day a box arrived for me.
  box go 0.79   Luxury boxes went unsold.
  box include 0.72   Boxes include grapefruit spoons.
  box become 0.66   A box becomes a rocket ship.
  box make 0.59   An old cardboard box makes a comfortable bed for a kitten.
  box offer 0.59   Digital TV set-top boxes offer nothing but television.
  box show 0.59   The box showed the two schooners that laid the cable.
  box serve 0.53   A basketball toy box serves as a hamper.
  box use 0.53   Lunch boxes used to do that for me.
  box pop_up 0.46   That horrid little gray box popped up.
  box provide 0.46   But whether the boxes would provide useful information was unclear Sunday.
  box allow 0.39   Cable access boxes allow cable companies to provide telephone service.
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