border country 1.12   China borders both countries.
  border area 0.86   The rebels have in the past attacked villages bordering these areas.
  border state 0.86   The village borders Antioquia state.
  border sea 0.79   Turkey, Ukraine and Russia also border sea.
  border park 0.66   Their property borders the park.
  border province 0.66   He stressed that it was some distance from Pakistan, which borders Paktia province.
  border enclave 0.59   The enclave is bordered by the Atlantic, Congo and Zairee.
  border river 0.46   Willow trees bordered the river.
  border crossing 0.39   He said the main problem so far has been the difficultly in crossing the Hong Kong border, where the road begins.
  border city 0.33   Two rivers border the city.
  border region 0.33   Uganda sends more troops to border Kisaga regions, Shaban Bantariza told AFP.
  border site 0.33   The red weed bordered the site of the devastation.
  border garden 0.26   The large garden is bordered by two rivers.
  border guard 0.26   The Indians shot and killed one Bangladesh border guard, police said.
  border post 0.26   The two ministers would discuss crime and border posts, it said.
  border square 0.26   Office workers cheered from open windows in the buildings bordering the square.
  border territory 0.26   But it lost ground in districts bordering Xhosa territory and in cities.
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