board plane 37.06   Adighibe boarded a plane.
  board bus 25.41   McAree boards big bus.
  board flight 17.97   I then exited and boarded my flight.
  board ship 10.66   Australian troops board refugee ship.
  board train 9.68   It was dark when he boarded the train.
  board boat 6.58   Then, put on your walking shoes or board a boat.
  board vessel 5.79   Five Albanians neverthless managed to board the vessel.
  board helicopter 4.02   They boarded a helicopter for the flight to Camp David.
  board airplane 3.23   Have they actually boarded the airplane?
  board aircraft 2.57   They had boarded the aircraft with pistols and grenades.
  board ferry 2.44   Firemen boarded the ferry and were overcoming the blaze.
  board jet 2.11   Some will board a jet for the first time.
  board truck 1.05   It took two days, then we boarded a truck.
  board member 0.86   Not so board member Peter Jennings.
  board window 0.86   The windows are boarded.
  board van 0.79   I boarded a van at the Detroit airport for the two-hour trip to London.
  board vehicle 0.72   A masked, armed man then boarded the vehicle.
  board shuttle 0.66   The astronauts had not yet boarded the shuttle.
  board yacht 0.66   They boarded the yacht Alexander on Friday.
  board meeting 0.59   She started going to board meetings.
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