bloodshed be 4.61   The bloodshed is relentless.
  bloodshed continue 1.18   But bloodshed continues.
  bloodshed follow 0.59   More bloodshed would follow.
  bloodshed prompt 0.53   The continuing bloodshed has prompted international outrage.
  bloodshed come 0.46   But then came the bloodshed, the heinous revenge of the nerds.
  bloodshed end 0.46   During a speech in Cleveland he said the bloodshed must end.
  bloodshed mar 0.39   How can the nation grow if bloodshed mars every succession of national leadership?
  bloodshed occur 0.39   Survivors spread word of the attack on Tuesday, a day after the bloodshed occurred.
  bloodshed begin 0.33   Then the bloodshed began.
  bloodshed stop 0.33   The two friends want to see the bloodshed stop.
  bloodshed persist 0.26   But the bloodshed persisted Saturday.
  bloodshed return 0.26   In their final dawn before independence, churchgoers prayed that the bloodshed would never return.
  bloodshed spread 0.26   The bloodshed has spread.
  bloodshed take 0.26   But INA did not specify when the bloodshed took place.
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