blast shot 4.81   One out later, Castilla blasted a shot to left.
  blast position 2.50   Russian aircraft blast Chechen positions.
  blast hole 2.24   They blast a hole like a stake through your heart.
  blast way 2.24   They just blasted their way in.
  blast ball 2.17   He made no mistake and blasted the ball past Rustu Recber.
  blast music 2.17   They blasted music on radios.
  blast target 1.71   It said NATO missiles blasted targets near Prizren, Djakovica and Lipljan.
  blast government 1.45   Opposition parties blasted the government.
  blast report 1.05   Critics blasted the report.
  blast proposal 0.99   Domenici blasted the proposal.
  blast plan 0.92   Catholic leaders have blasted the plans.
  blast decision 0.86   Hawkish former general Ariel Sharon blasted the decision.
  blast horn 0.86   Blast his horn?
  blast stronghold 0.86   Israeli jets blast Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon.
  blast winner 0.79   Agassi blasted clean winners on the final three points.
  blast ace 0.72   He ended the set on serve by blasting two aces.
  blast opposition 0.66   While the Socialists defended the bill, they also blasted the opposition.
  blast village 0.66   Dissidents blasted a village the day Northern Ireland voters elected a new legislature.
  blast area 0.59   Russian heliicopter gunships blasted the area relentlessly.
  blast authority 0.59   Their real offense however was a statement blasting the authority and threatening civil war, Palestinian officials said.
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