bioterrorism attack 1.91   Thwarting bioterrorism attacks is another challenge.
  bioterrorism expert 1.32   And in telephone interviews, bioterrorism experts agreed.
  bioterrorism threat 0.99   How well could the federal government respond to a real bioterrorism threat?
  bioterrorism plan 0.39   New York City is planning a drill to test its bioterrorism response plan this spring, but most cities have barely begun to consider how to respond.
  bioterrorism scare 0.39   The disclosures marked a troubling turn in the U.S. bioterrorism scare.
  bioterrorism agent 0.33   In the case of a bioterrorism agent, that could prove fatal if the wrong antibiotic is used or is prescribed for too short a period.
  bioterrorism bill 0.33   Congress is adding money for food safety and inspection in the bioterrorism bills it is considering.
  bioterrorism defense 0.33   But in bioterrorism defense, the government becomes a partner and customer.
  bioterrorism weapon 0.33   Many doctors today, for example, have never seen a case of smallpox, a possible bioterrorism weapon.
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