billionaire be 1.12   The billionaires are restless.
  billionaire own 0.53   Consider a vacation on Necker Island, owned by billionaire Richard Branson.
  billionaire control 0.33   Future is controlled by billionaire Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
  billionaire say 0.33   In business, the Texas billionaire said, people are promoted based on performance.
  billionaire bank 0.26   Nairn also welcomed a sudden flurry of attention in the United States around campaign contributions to President Bill Clinton by a billionaire Indonesian banking family.
  billionaire have 0.26   It is why billionaire Paul Allen has a new football stadium ordered for his Seahawks.
  billionaire lead 0.26   In Bangkok, the PDP, led by billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra, looked to retain its dominance.
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