bestow honor 1.84   The honor was first bestowed on Thomas Edison.
  bestow award 1.05   But no one was bestowing awards on them.
  bestow title 0.79   The title is affectionately bestowed.
  bestow blessing 0.72   He nods at each grim face as if bestowing a blessing.
  bestow gift 0.66   Besides, how have you bestowed this gift?
  bestow name 0.53   The name here was bestowed for a more obvious reason.
  bestow benefit 0.46   The recovered nationality does not bestow the benefits of citizenship.
  bestow favor 0.39   History bestows its favors with an uneven hand.
  bestow status 0.39   Those two publishing events alone would bestow canonical status on an author.
  bestow power 0.33   For the ring corrupts its possessor even as it bestows great powers.
  bestow prize 0.26   The prize will be bestowed alternately in Cannes and Venice.
  bestow recognition 0.26   Maximum recognition was bestowed upon him then.
  bestow responsibility 0.26   In bestowing new responsibilities on Meers, Reebok has seemingly opted against radical changes.
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