bend rule 9.22   They bent the rules.
  bend knee 5.20   Bend the knees.
  bend head 3.42   She bent her head.
  bend arm 1.25   Bend the arms at the elbows.
  bend elbow 1.25   Bend your elbows and your rear drops down.
  bend law 1.25   Sometimes the law gets bent a bit.
  bend truth 1.25   Now Al Gore is bending the truth again.
  bend ear 1.12   President Clinton had his ear bent.
  bend light 1.12   The sun bends light and acts as a lens.
  bend leg 0.86   Whenever you pick up a heavy load, bend both legs.
  bend tree 0.79   High gusts bent palm trees.
  bend note 0.72   So he bent notes.
  bend body 0.59   Matthew Grant bent his body to the land.
  bend spoon 0.59   How did this spoon get bent?
  bend back 0.53   If you bend your back, the ball will go through quickly.
  bend steel 0.53   You need a special tool to bend the steel.
  bend ball 0.46   So she worked on her arsenal, bending some balls right and others left.
  bend pipe 0.46   How do I bend this pipe without crimping it?
  bend wrist 0.46   With your palm down, bend your wrist to the outside.
  bend end 0.33   Straighten it into a long rod then bend the end into a hook.
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