behave like 31.99   He behaves like a child!
  behave in 24.29   I behaves myself in church mind.
  behave with 5.27   You tell me who behaved with more dignity.
  behave as 4.81   We must behave as responsible members of society.
  behave on 1.58   The women have been much better behaved on court.
  behave at 1.51   How does Sam behave at school?
  behave for 1.12   Or is he behaving for a particular reason?
  behave during 0.99   Legislators ordered to behave during Clinton visit.
  behave toward 0.86   The United States behaves toward the Taiwanese with a shameful injustice.
  behave by 0.72   Even at play, an African lion cub learns how to behave by imitating its mother.
  behave under 0.46   How would the military behave under such circumstances?
  behave towards 0.39   But how should the two firms behave towards competitors now that they are successful?
  behave after 0.33   He was a normal child, but started behaving odly after taking his A levels.
  behave in_front_of 0.26   He wants to behave in front of this audience.
  behave over 0.26   This is a very curious way of behaving over a lifetime.
  behave than 0.26   It goes without saying that the dogs are better behaved than the humans.
  behave to 0.26   We remain guessing about how he will behave to the end.
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