beam image 1.84   The broadcasters who beamed images to the world.
  beam program 1.05   Your PC beams the program to the microcomputer via a special infrared transmitter.
  beam signal 1.05   A static instrument beams radar signals down a road.
  beam message 0.66   They might beam a message from Martin Luther King.
  beam picture 0.59   Pictures were beamed instantly around the world.
  beam smile 0.59   The patient beamed a smile.
  beam show 0.53   WABC in New York beams the show nationwide.
  beam broadcast 0.46   Channel beamed their broadcasts to a national audience.
  beam game 0.46   WNBA games are beamed across the country twice weekly on ESPN and NBC.
  beam information 0.39   You can even wirelessly beam information to another eMate or to a MessagePad, another Newton device.
  beam light 0.39   The sun beamed its light through the window.
  beam searchlight 0.39   At night, they beam a searchlight along the road.
  beam datum 0.33   Other sensors can be linked to satellites which then beam data to reception centres on the ground.
  beam programming 0.33   Two satellites with high-powered transmitters beam radio programming back to Earth.
  beam ray 0.33   All he could do was beam a ray of pure hatred at Sherman.
  beam service 0.33   The service was beamed by satellite to church sites worldwide.
  beam report 0.26   TV stations beamed progress reports by the hour.
  beam time 0.26   They were beaming this time as they left the ice.
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