battered woman 14.35   ...a refuge for battered women.
  battered economy 7.77   The battered economy has discouraged extra funding.
  battered body 3.95   Her battered body was found the next day.
  battered capital 2.83   But there was no evidence of it in the battered Chechen capital.
  battered car 2.24   Battered cars slowed as they rumbled by.
  battered city 1.91   We have exclusive pictures inside the battered city.
  battered currency 1.71   The battered Indonesian currency closed higher against the dollar in the spot market.
  battered wife 1.71   Just like battered wives.
  battered country 1.51   He is scheduled to return to his battered country on Tuesday.
  battered technology 1.51   But battered technology stocks were trying to move against the trend.
  battered image 1.38   Prime minister starts to rebuild battered image.
  battered sector 1.12   Investors bet that the battered sector would trigger a new bull market.
  battered peso 1.05   Fischer said the battered peso would eventually firm against the US dollar.
  battered stock 1.05   That, of course, sent the battered stocks down further.
  battered market 0.86   Battered Asian markets rebound, Japan seen as key.
  battered rupiah 0.86   Stock analysts said the interest rate hike pushed up the battered rupiah.
  battered headquarters 0.79   The troops are also keeping Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat bottled up in his battered headquarters.
  battered tech 0.72   On Wednesday, they were feeling better about the battered tech sector.
  battered bus 0.66   He kept three battered Volkswagen buses in his barn to feed the parts appetite of a fourth.
  battered building 0.59   Netting covers the walls of battered buildings.
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