basque group 26.53   The Basque separatist group ETA claimed responsibility.
  basque separatist 16.46   Basque separatists in court.
  basque region 15.21   MADRID,s Basque region.
  basque country 11.32   This is Basque country.
  basque language 4.15   Even the Basque language stands apart.
  basque movement 3.36   ...the Basque separatist movement.
  basque organisation 3.23   Police suspect the Basque militant separatist organisation ETA.
  basque nationalist 3.03   Basque nationalist fights for power without bloodshed.
  basque party 2.96   Several other Basque parties also opposed the promotion.
  basque town 2.70   Incidents were also reported in half a dozen other Basque towns.
  basque independence 2.63   Aznar has repeatedly ruled out Basque independence.
  basque organization 2.57   Both attacks were blamed on the Basque separatist organization ETA.
  basque newspaper 2.50   An anonymous caller had told a Basque newspaper where he could be found.
  basque government 2.30   The Basque government likes the attention.
  basque politician 2.11   But Basque politicians blasted the order.
  basque militant 2.04   A number of Basque militants were also extradited from France, Germany, Spain and Mexico.
  basque homeland 1.91   ETA is the Basque-language acronym for Basque homeland and freedom.
  basque city 1.84   Spanish policeman killed by bomb in Basque city.
  basque police 1.78   One resident suffered slight burns, Basque police said.
  basque leader 1.45   But Basque nationalist leaders blamed the government.
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