banana plantation 4.61   Banana plantations were flattened.
  banana tree 4.34   Some huddle under the leaves of banana trees.
  banana leaf 4.28   Place pork on banana leaf.
  banana import 3.09   Other disputes center on banana imports and an EU tax on wheat import.
  banana peel 2.96   Take a banana peel.
  banana export 2.83   In Jamaica, banana exports to Europe are second only to sugar in export earnings.
  banana producer 2.30   Capgras said the banana producers are desperate.
  banana dispute 2.11   The banana dispute has dragged on for years.
  banana grower 1.91   The European Union trade policy allows Caribbean banana growers duty-free entry.
  banana industry 1.78   The ruling could eliminate the local banana industry altogether.
  banana company 1.71   Chiquita Brands International is the main foreign banana company active in the Uraba region.
  banana bread 1.58   Banana bread and juice.
  banana trade 1.51   The violence was reportedly sparked by a dispute over banana trade.
  banana pudding 1.38   Family-size bowls of banana pudding.
  banana slice 1.32   Top with banana slices.
  banana war 1.18   The banana war is the latest.
  banana worker 1.18   We employ no banana workers to speak of in the United States.
  banana exporter 1.12   The United States is not a banana exporter.
  banana grove 1.12   Helicopters hovered nearby over banana groves and marshland.
  banana plant 1.05   Same thing with a banana plant.
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