bahamian government 2.04   Rose said the Bahamian government will investigate.
  bahamian official 1.91   Bahamian maritime officials could not be reached for comment Saturday.
  bahamian immigration 1.45   Bahamian immigration officials declined comment Tuesday on the case.
  bahamian authority 1.05   They were transferred to Bahamian authorities later Tuesday.
  bahamian island 1.05   They landed on a remote Bahamian island and were rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard.
  bahamian capital 0.59   Heavy winds and rain pelted the Bahamian capital of Nassau.
  bahamian police 0.53   Malone said Bahamian police reported the men were healthy.
  bahamian water 0.46   Most Haitians detained in Bahamian waters are headed for Florida.
  bahamian bank 0.39   The Bahamian bank has been troubled since its inception.
  bahamian man 0.39   He did not identify the Bahamian man who was arrested.
  bahamian vessel 0.39   Two Bahamian vessels also were helping.
  bahamian fisherman 0.33   The defectors were rescued by a Bahamian fisherman.
  bahamian aviation 0.26   Bahamian aviation officials, meanwhile, released their first report describing the weight of the plane that crashed under clear skies after takeoff on Saturday.
  bahamian law 0.26   Under Bahamian law, details of preliminary inquiry cannot be publicized.
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