bacterium be 11.78   Bacteria can be diabolical.
  bacterium cause 7.04   The bacteria cause the lymph nodes to swell.
  bacterium grow 2.24   TB bacteria usually grow in the lungs.
  bacterium produce 1.91   These bacteria can produce powerful toxins.
  bacterium enter 1.71   From there, the bacteria enter the food supply.
  bacterium have 1.65   Simple bacteria have no cell nuclei.
  bacterium live 1.58   The bacteria lives in human feces.
  bacterium become 1.32   If given indiscriminately, bacteria can become resistant to the medicine.
  bacterium make 1.25   How, or why, did these bacteria make people sick?
  bacterium multiply 1.05   Bacteria multiply quickly in warm food.
  bacterium develop 0.99   So bacteria have developed special mechanisms for getting and assimilating whatever iron they can.
  bacterium infect 0.99   The bacteria cannot infect intact skin.
  bacterium find 0.92   Harmful bacteria also are finding new modes of transmission.
  bacterium survive 0.92   Most bacteria cannot survive this onslaught.
  bacterium come 0.86   These bacteria come from human and animal feces.
  bacterium spread 0.86   Diphtheria is a highly infectious disease spread by bacteria.
  bacterium thrive 0.79   In this case, the bacteria thrived, apparently relying on the antibiotic to synthesize the virus.
  bacterium use 0.79   Scientists have cloned the genes that the bacteria use to make these drugs.
  bacterium attack 0.72   The bacteria attack and destroy skin and muscle.
  bacterium form 0.72   When an animal dies, the bacteria form spores, which are released.
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