backhanded compliment 1.65   A backhanded compliment?
  backhanded shot 0.59   His backhanded shot, however, hit Billington in the chest.
  backhanded way 0.59   And on Sunday, they got lucky in an admittedly backhanded way.
  backhanded pass 0.53   Ricci beat Mike Richter after a backhanded pass from Clark.
  backhanded stab 0.46   The ball skipped past his backhanded stab and became a double down the left field line.
  backhanded slap 0.39   And what he did say was a backhanded slap at the team.
  backhanded stop 0.39   Alomar robbed Easley with an acrobatic backhanded stop in the eighth.
  backhanded catch 0.26   Vladimir Guererro made a great backhanded catch in full stride.
  backhanded grab 0.26   Stanley did not know whether to pick the ball or try a backhanded grab.
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