author be 28.18   Is the author a romantic?
  author say 19.68   Muscularity, the authors say.
  author have 6.19   The author has no children.
  author write 5.86   Your job is to prove an Earth author wrote them.
  author suggest 3.42   The author also suggests that hosts pay attention to lighting.
  author find 3.16   The author finds this ironic.
  author argue 2.83   The real issue, the authors argue, is not race but geography.
  author take 2.50   The authors took the Bookmatcher quiz.
  author make 2.44   Some authors made special demands.
  author use 2.37   Once authors used to write fiction.
  author do 2.24   These authors do.
  author include 2.11   Authors include Terry Kay, Charles McNair, and Sibley Fleming. . .
  author provide 1.84   The San Antonio author does provide some.
  author conclude 1.71   The author concludes the latter.
  author believe 1.65   Its authors believed peace would woo refugees home.
  author describe 1.65   The author describes in gripping detail the accident on the icy highway.
  author note 1.65   The relationship is a complex one, the author rightly notes.
  author live 1.58   The author lives in London.
  author get 1.51   The noted author got a polite smile.
  author give 1.51   How should authors give credit for such material?
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