auditor say 4.41   Such omissions are illegal, the auditor said.
  auditor find 3.55   The auditors found a variety of violations.
  auditor be 3.09   But so were the auditors.
  auditor have 1.78   But for the new rule to work, auditors will have to be tough.
  auditor examine 0.66   Federal auditors examined the claims and could deny payment for costs deemed to be excessive.
  auditor look 0.66   And on closer inspection, the auditors look altogether too close to management.
  auditor note 0.59   The room was only used for two days, the auditors note.
  auditor review 0.59   Interim reporting Interim reports should include balance sheet information and be reviewed by auditors.
  auditor discover 0.53   The inspector general said that only in the last six weeks had auditors discovered the scope of the problem.
  auditor question 0.53   The auditor has questioned the legality of the contracts.
  auditor report 0.53   It did not specify whom the auditors should report to, and whether their findings would have to be made public.
  auditor criticize 0.46   The auditors also criticized how the department evaluated groups that were seeking money.
  auditor determine 0.46   As a result, the auditors determined the cost of the ads should have been counted as contributions to the campaigns.
  auditor need 0.46   And a new auditor needs to be found.
  auditor conclude 0.39   Caricom auditors concluded the vote was fair.
  auditor contend 0.39   IMP was the original operator of the Aerostar hotel, but auditors contended the management was faulty.
  auditor do 0.39   So does state auditor Doug Norton.
  auditor fail 0.39   Auditors failed to examine properly the representations by Enron management.
  auditor raise 0.39   Trimble said the auditor raises legitimate questions.
  auditor uncover 0.39   Auditors uncovered several problems.
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