attempt by 159.78   Attempts by the police to restore calm in the area failed.
  attempt in 27.19   Just like his attempt in Monterrey.
  attempt to 26.33   He threw a wild pickoff attempt to second base.
  attempt on 26.07   He had made several attempts on it.
  attempt against 16.39   He had one attempt against Washington.
  attempt of 7.11   It was her second robbery attempt of the day.
  attempt for 5.27   Still, attempts for increases failed.
  attempt from 4.67   It was his only attempt from behind the arc.
  attempt with 3.03   He and his wife escaped that murder attempt with minor injuries.
  attempt over 2.04   After three attempts over several years, he finally found it.
  attempt after 1.51   He was even able to miss his fifth attempt after feeling a back niggle.
  attempt as 1.45   Ford survived two assassination attempts as president.
  attempt during 1.32   There are so many shots you have to attempt during a round.
  attempt before 1.18   He succeeded on the third attempt before two-putting from six feet.
  attempt since 1.12   But there have been few reported attempts since then.
  attempt off 0.66   The Springbok marksman also struck a long-range drop attempt off the upright.
  attempt within 0.66   He could face renewed attempts within a week.
  attempt through 0.59   How does one raise funds without losing your hair in the attempt through worry.
  attempt because_of 0.46   She had even been the target of an eviction attempt because of her odd behavior.
  attempt until 0.39   But Imaizumi said rough seas may prevent any salvage attempt until the spring.
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