arrival be 8.43   Arrival is difficult.
  arrival come 1.71   Our arrival came later than expected.
  arrival mark 1.05   For me their arrival marks the start of summer.
  arrival include 0.99   The new arrivals included more than a hundred children.
  arrival have 0.92   Even his arrival had drama.
  arrival mean 0.86   But what will his arrival in power mean in practice?
  arrival coincide 0.79   Their late arrival coincided with an unexpected thaw.
  arrival bring 0.72   But their arrival brings no joy to residents.
  arrival say 0.72   The new arrivals say they passed thousands more refugees on the way.
  arrival cause 0.53   Their arrival caused surprising controversy.
  arrival follow 0.53   Their arrival follows the withdrawals of left wing David Bory and full back Nicolas Jeanjean due to injuries.
  arrival spark 0.46   But their arrival has sparked anger in a nation that still has a great deal of lingering anti-Israeli sentiment.
  arrival tell 0.46   Other arrivals told similar tales.
  arrival draw 0.33   His arrival drew colleagues from around the hospital to his side.
  arrival prove 0.33   Those new arrivals prove to be a wee bit strange.
  arrival add 0.26   Instead, his mysterious arrival only added to questions about his health and his ability to run the government.
  arrival change 0.26   The arrival of CNN changed that.
  arrival do 0.26   So did his arrival at Kent State.
  arrival end 0.26   His arrival ended an international legal saga that put dictators worldwide on notice.
  arrival give 0.26   Her arrival gave all the disparate elements of this old-shoe firm a focus for their frustrations.
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