arrest in 332.59   Chihana had been arrested in April.
  arrest for 162.61   He was arrested for DUI.
  arrest on 156.09   Arrest on assault charges.
  arrest at 65.96   Koch was arrested at the house.
  arrest after 61.36   A boy was arrested after one car crashed.
  arrest in_connection_with 31.34   No one has been arrested in connection with the case.
  arrest with 23.30   She was also arrested with.
  arrest during 20.08   He was arrested during the protest.
  arrest as 11.65   American arrested as KGB spy.
  arrest over 9.35   He was arrested over the weekend.
  arrest without 8.62   He was arrested without gunfire.
  arrest under 8.16   Others were arrested under normal criminal laws.
  arrest near 5.86   Palmer was arrested near a Leeds nightclub.
  arrest before 5.20   It said he had been arrested before.
  arrest outside 4.48   Police arrested them outside the camp.
  arrest since 3.82   Dozens have been arrested since then.
  arrest within 2.24   Five suspects were arrested within days.
  arrest about 2.11   He was arrested about a week later.
  arrest from 1.84   Battaglia was arrested blocks from his home.
  arrest upon 1.71   He was arrested upon arrival.
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