aquatic life 3.88   All feed off aquatic life.
  aquatic plant 3.23   A well-known aquatic plant is the water lily.
  aquatic center 1.32   Mesa is building a new outdoor aquatic center.
  aquatic insect 1.05   This destroys the habitat of aquatic insects and smothers fish eggs.
  aquatic vegetation 1.05   Predator fish, such as largemouth bass, also benefit from aquatic vegetation.
  aquatic animal 0.99   Other members of this family infect other aquatic animals.
  aquatic creature 0.92   So were aquatic creatures like turtles, fish and crocodiles.
  aquatic environment 0.92   Otters are indicators of healthy aquatic environments in much of the world.
  aquatic species 0.66   Dams can have a devastating effect on some aquatic species, scientists have learned.
  aquatic bird 0.53   ...aquatic birds.
  aquatic ecosystem 0.46   Both consume oxygen when they get into aquatic ecosystems.
  aquatic weed 0.46   The tangled masses of the aquatic weed strangle docks and clog waterworks.
  aquatic habitat 0.26   It also means the aquatic habitat available for fish spawning and other species will be at a peak.
  aquatic organism 0.26   The sharp increase in effluent has deprived aquatic organisms of oxygen.
  aquatic resource 0.26   ...our aquatic resources.
  aquatic snail 0.26   Most species live off aquatic snails.
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