approval of 237.46   May I have the approval of the Meeting?
  approval from 126.60   There were murmurs of approval from the crowd.
  approval for 109.09   At stake is early approval for the product.
  approval by 80.58   Awaiting approval by Congress.
  approval to 30.94   Parliament gave its approval to the plan Wednesday.
  approval in 29.03   It got European approval in March.
  approval before 9.41   Bills had to win final approval before midnight Sunday.
  approval on 9.41   Carnival filed for U.S. regulatory approval on Monday.
  approval at 4.41   The Midway won approval at two neighborhood hearings.
  approval as 2.76   Raloxifene does have approval as a treatment for osteoporosis.
  approval with 2.57   They roared back their approval with gusto.
  approval after 2.24   He also gave the court his approval after a morning workout.
  approval within 1.84   Supporters expect approval within two months.
  approval over 1.18   He has approval over the readers, as do most brand-name writers.
  approval because_of 0.99   The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board delayed approval because of threatened legal action.
  approval under 0.92   The acquisition is subject to federal approval under anti-trust laws.
  approval until 0.92   Federal regulators handled the approvals until last year.
  approval without 0.86   Lott said he expected those three to win approval without dissent.
  approval during 0.66   The full Parliament is expected to give its approval during a vote on Thursday.
  approval among 0.53   Ms. Harvard has not always enjoyed approval among her male peers.
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