appeal be 40.75   An appeal is likely.
  appeal come 5.99   Then came the appeal.
  appeal go 4.81   But the appeals go on.
  appeal fail 4.74   All appeals failed.
  appeal pend 4.08   Appeals are pending.
  appeal have 3.36   The appeals have had an effect.
  appeal take 2.90   Appeals could take years.
  appeal say 1.65   The city appeal says Wind was acting improperly.
  appeal follow 1.51   An appeal could follow that, Sutton said.
  appeal lie 1.38   Appeals lie ahead.
  appeal seem 1.38   His appeal seems boundless.
  appeal court 1.32   No appeals court to overturn the decision.
  appeal delay 1.32   Appeals have delayed the execution.
  appeal fall 1.25   His appeal fell far short.
  appeal succeed 1.05   Appeals rarely succeed.
  appeal appear 0.86   An appeal appears likely.
  appeal continue 0.86   The appeal is continuing.
  appeal drag 0.79   Appeals can drag on for as long as a decade.
  appeal draw 0.72   His appeal drew hisses.
  appeal remain 0.72   Appeal remains undecided.
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