animated film 8.62   Animated films.
  animated feature 5.00   Animated feature.
  animated character 4.54   And animated characters will seem more human than ever.
  animated movie 3.23   The first full-length animated movie.
  animated conversation 2.50   Animated conversations take place in Farsi.
  animated series 2.30   His next project is an animated series.
  animated discussion 1.65   A more than animated discussion followed.
  animated show 1.38   Subtle humor goes a long way in this animated show.
  animated version 1.25   This animated version has reworked the story.
  animated sequence 1.05   The animated opening sequence offers the history.
  animated short 0.99   After making a few animated shorts, Judge clicked with MTV.
  animated image 0.92   Shockwave adds animated images and sounds to web pages.
  animated adventure 0.79   Balto This animated adventure about sled dogs in Alaska is a treat.
  animated program 0.79   It is the worst animated program I have ever seen.
  animated television 0.79   These adventures also became an animated television series.
  animated figure 0.72   And the animated figures are adorable.
  animated graphic 0.72   And animated graphics, they say, are a big distraction.
  animated commercial 0.59   Click on an ad and watch an animated commercial complete with sound.
  animated creature 0.59   Not an animated creature is in sight.
  animated story 0.59   Nest also produces a line of animated Bible stories for video, along with a heroes series.
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