angolan government 16.33   ...the Angolan government.
  angolan rebel 6.25   Angolan rebels bombard second-largest city.
  angolan capital 5.66   The pair met last month in the Angolan capital.
  angolan troop 4.15   Angolan troops...
  angolan army 3.62   But the Angolan army is still on guard.
  angolan peace 2.63   Several other rounds of Angolan peace talks have collapsed before.
  angolan official 2.17   Angolan officials declined to comment.
  angolan soldier 1.97   Three Angolan soldiers were captured, it said.
  angolan leader 1.51   The Angolan leader is close to both men.
  angolan radio 1.45   Angolan radio said that meeting could take place later this week.
  angolan force 1.25   The sources also confirmed that Angolan forces had taken Pointe Noire.
  angolan authority 0.92   The U.N. office here has not accused Angolan authorities of pocketing public money.
  angolan parliament 0.92   The Angolan parliament was due to approve the Protocol on Friday.
  angolan president 0.92   Angolan president doubts U.N. will stay in Angola.
  angolan enclave 0.79   The attackers apparently came from Cabinda, an oil-rich Angolan enclave.
  angolan border 0.72   UNITA, meanwhile, still has a few bases in Congo, near the Angolan border.
  angolan refugee 0.66   But Meheba is a settlement for Angolan refugees.
  angolan conflict 0.59   Becoming involved in the Angolan conflict was not the way to defend democracy, he added.
  angolan diamond 0.59   A De Beers spokesman denied the company had broken the ban on trading in non-official Angolan diamonds.
  angolan company 0.53   The plane had been chartered by the Angolan company Asas Pesadas.
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