alleviate problem 8.10   That problem was alleviated early on Sunday.
  alleviate poverty 6.06   How can we alleviate poverty?
  alleviate suffering 4.02   A catheter will alleviate this suffering.
  alleviate pain 3.95   He said he did so to alleviate pain.
  alleviate concern 3.82   That alleviates the concerns somewhat.
  alleviate pressure 2.63   It alleviates a pressure.
  alleviate shortage 1.97   Carter J. Winstanley hopes to alleviate the shortage.
  alleviate symptom 1.97   You can buy various medicines to alleviate the symptoms of flu.
  alleviate fear 1.45   Aid workers helped them alleviate the fear as they boarded.
  alleviate congestion 1.25   And it alleviates some congestion.
  alleviate hardship 1.18   The program aims to alleviate hardship among the poorest sections of society.
  alleviate tension 1.18   Looking down alleviates the tension.
  alleviate hunger 0.99   Longer growing seasons, for instance, might alleviate world hunger.
  alleviate stress 0.99   To alleviate my stress, I tried doing a side business here.
  alleviate situation 0.92   If so, he would try to alleviate the situation.
  alleviate condition 0.79   To help alleviate the condition, Trevino has altered his stance and has stopped practicing.
  alleviate anxiety 0.72   And it alleviates anxiety.
  alleviate need 0.72   More donors could greatly alleviate the need to ration.
  alleviate burden 0.66   - the creation of supplementary French pension funds to alleviate the burden of state-financed disbursements.
  alleviate crisis 0.66   Italy said Wednesday it would send humanitarian aid to alleviate the crisis.
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