alert status 3.88   Israeli media said the alert status is unprecedented.
  alert level 2.90   The alert level was later scaled down to orange.
  alert system 2.50   The alert system has five stages.
  alert authority 1.12   Then, assuming it was dead, he waited a week to alert authorities.
  alert eye 0.86   Her alert eyes stare straight ahead.
  alert consumer 0.59   In addition, the agency sent out a warning last week to alert consumers of the problem.
  alert people 0.59   They left the building, and he also rang buzzers to alert people.
  alert reader 0.59   Then, thanks to alert readers, the mystery was solved.
  alert resident 0.59   Alert residents also have helped police nab several known sex offenders, he said.
  alert order 0.46   North Korea denounced the South Korean alert order as targeting it.
  alert police 0.46   The watchman could only alert police an hour later.
  alert warning 0.46   Since then, the police have issued an alert warning against a dozen LTTE suicide bombers in Colombo.
  alert employee 0.39   Then, a sensor designed to alert employees failed or was ignored.
  alert came 0.33   The alert came as the tribunal began hearing its first case involving offences allegedly committed against Bosnian Serbs.
  alert driver 0.33   Mr To criticised the government for not carrying out a campaign to alert drivers to the dangers.
  alert parent 0.33   Any alert parent would snatch a suspicious envelope away in any case.
  alert adult 0.26   An alert adult might have picked up on her own behavior as a girl.
  alert agent 0.26   Airlines were asked to alert agents if any of the individuals were spotted.
  alert box 0.26   Real system alert boxes pop up in the middle of the screen and float above the active window.
  alert custom 0.26   The bombing was avoided by an alert customs agent.
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