alcoholic beverage 20.67   Alcoholic beverages?
  alcoholic drink 8.56   ...the serving of alcoholic drinks.
  alcoholic disease 2.04   OPCS data recording alcoholic liver disease seem to be very inaccurate.
  alcoholic mother 1.71   Alcoholic mother.
  alcoholic father 1.65   She never had an alcoholic father.
  alcoholic patient 0.99   Clearly a study needs to be done with chronic alcoholic patients.
  alcoholic parent 0.66   Alcoholic parents tend to produce alcoholic kids.
  alcoholic husband 0.39   She survived a first marriage to an alcoholic husband which ended in divorce.
  alcoholic concoction 0.33   High prices have encouraged some Russians to resort to drinking cheap but often lethal alcoholic concoctions.
  alcoholic hepatitis 0.33   Fifteen patients had biopsy proven cirrhosis and two had alcoholic hepatitis and fatty liver.
  alcoholic product 0.33   They also damaged signs advertising alcoholic products, witnesses said.
  alcoholic stepfather 0.33   One -- the legacy of growing up with an alcoholic stepfather -- was a desire to finesse any conflict.
  alcoholic binge 0.26   There were his alcoholic binges and his four marriages.
  alcoholic blackout 0.26   He has said he was suffering from an alcoholic blackout during the killings.
  alcoholic cirrhosis 0.26   About a quarter of adults who receive liver transplants have alcoholic cirrhosis.
  alcoholic pancreatitis 0.26   Pancreatic pseydocyst formation is a complication of severe pancreatitis and most commonly follows alcoholic pancreatitis.
  alcoholic screenwriter 0.26   Cage plays Ben, an alcoholic Hollywood screenwriter already on the skids when the movie begins.
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