advocate say 82.62   Abortion-rights advocates say that is untrue.
  advocate be 14.61   Homeless advocates are wary.
  advocate argue 7.44   Housing advocates argue persuasively for more.
  advocate contend 4.21   Advocates contend that the project was flawed.
  advocate want 3.75   Health advocates want it this way.
  advocate criticize 3.62   Human rights advocates criticized the move.
  advocate hope 3.55   Even so, advocates hope to broaden the project.
  advocate call 3.49   Press advocates called it a growing-up process.
  advocate have 3.16   Gun advocates have had some success.
  advocate believe 3.09   Advocates believe more must be done.
  advocate complain 3.09   Privacy advocates complain that none of the groups enforce their standards.
  advocate warn 2.90   Abortion rights advocates warn of the same thing.
  advocate fear 2.76   Advocates fear some families may be worse off.
  advocate agree 2.24   Consumer advocates agree.
  advocate express 2.24   Privacy advocates expressed relief.
  advocate see 2.24   But consumer advocates see problems.
  advocate oppose 2.17   Privacy advocates oppose that idea.
  advocate worry 1.91   But advocates worry that it may be voluntary in name only.
  advocate hail 1.84   Reform advocates hailed the decision.
  advocate urge 1.71   Peace advocates urged them to resume talks Sunday.
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