admire work 3.82   I admire the work they do.
  admire way 3.55   We admire the way he ran.
  admire view 2.37   Admire the view.
  admire man 1.91   I admire the man.
  admire people 1.38   I admire these people.
  admire courage 1.32   I admire his courage.
  admire handiwork 0.99   He stood back to admire his handiwork.
  admire determination 0.92   I admire her determination.
  admire effort 0.66   I admire the effort.
  admire beauty 0.53   Go with the intention of admiring the beauty of nature.
  admire father 0.53   I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity.
  admire painting 0.53   She stopped to admire a painting across the atrium by Raoul Dufy.
  admire woman 0.53   I admire women who go through thick and thin and stand by their men.
  admire ability 0.46   I think he admired that ability to make money.
  admire most 0.46   But what Rob admired most was that Albert was outside the official world.
  admire scenery 0.46   We stopped to admire the scenery.
  admire film 0.39   I admire that film.
  admire honesty 0.39   But I admire the honesty.
  admire ingenuity 0.39   I admire her ingenuity.
  admire player 0.39   I admire players like Tim Duncan and Karl Malone and John Stockton.
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