acrobatic save 2.44   He is still making the acrobatic save.
  acrobatic catch 1.32   Acrobatic catches were the norm.
  acrobatic stunt 0.72   Hart was known for his acrobatic stunts.
  acrobatic play 0.66   Closes well on ball and will make the acrobatic play.
  acrobatic feat 0.53   They performed some amazing acrobatic feats.
  acrobatic kick 0.39   His acrobatic kicks pack a big wallop and the movie is enhanced by stunning fight scenes.
  acrobatic maneuver 0.39   Both pilots were killed when their acrobatic maneuver went wrong.
  acrobatic shot 0.39   Then he stole the ball from Latrell Sprewell to set up the series that culminated in his acrobatic shot.
  acrobatic choreography 0.33   Yet despite the acrobatic choreography, the dancers always retained a sense of poise.
  acrobatic leap 0.33   Their dog, Loop-de-Loop, does acrobatic leaps in the air.
  acrobatic skill 0.33   Most of these levels rely on fast reflexes and acrobatic skills rather than any real smarts.
  acrobatic team 0.33   He was also stationed in Europe and briefly led an aerial acrobatic team.
  acrobatic volley 0.33   Acrobatic volleys reminiscent of the young Boris also helped.
  acrobatic act 0.26   Mating in dragonflies is itself an unusual acrobatic act.
  acrobatic stop 0.26   He preserved the shutout with several acrobatic stops.
  acrobatic style 0.26   Police ran around the stadium breaking fired clay bricks in acrobatic style.
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