abusive relationship 5.33   She left the abusive relationship in early May.
  abusive priest 4.61   They promised to crack down on abusive priests.
  abusive husband 3.75   She had earlier shot and killed an abusive husband.
  abusive language 2.83   Abusive language, sarcasm?
  abusive behavior 2.76   Abusive behavior toward animals.
  abusive parent 2.17   Maybe they have abusive parents.
  abusive father 1.71   I had an abusive father.
  abusive home 1.25   President Clinton grew up in an abusive home.
  abusive partner 1.18   Women will often lie to shield even the most abusive partner.
  abusive spouse 1.12   The shelter offers a haven from abusive spouses.
  abusive boyfriend 1.05   Topics include lust, revenge, abusive boyfriends, vibrators.
  abusive practice 0.92   The most abusive practices have been banned by a law passed last year.
  abusive man 0.86   He contended that two abusive men got on the elevator with him.
  abusive situation 0.79   He was offering advice to women in abusive situations.
  abusive treatment 0.79   Dunaway says she was merely responding to abusive treatment on the set.
  abusive employer 0.66   When there are abusive employers, the air is often thick with tension.
  abusive clergy 0.59   But he warned the focus should remain on disciplining abusive clergy.
  abusive conduct 0.59   Abusive conduct by jail guards can result in eight more points.
  abusive marriage 0.59   Case asked whether the course ever dealt with abusive marriages.
  abusive officer 0.59   The Senate bill would have halted aid if Colombia failed to punish abusive officers.
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