bond yield 122.05   Argentine bond yields soared.
  dividend yield 9.87   All have good dividend yields.
  crop yield 6.58   Crop yields were low.
  government yield 5.60   British government bond yields fell after the report.
  benchmark yield 4.21   Bonds rose initially, sending the benchmark yield to a new low.
  fixed-income yield 2.90   Lower fixed-income yields make stocks more attractive than bonds.
  treasury yield 1.32   Treasury yields were little changed after the report.
  soybean yield 1.05   Soybeans fell slightly on reports of huge Brazilian soybean yields.
  milk yield 0.86   The average milk yield per cow has doubled.
  bund yield 0.66   German bonds fell, as a drop in U.S. Treasuries forced bund yields up from historic lows.
  market yield 0.66   Higher interest rates have sent market yields on government securities up.
  corn yield 0.53   Nationally, corn yields are slightly better than previously expected.
  year yield 0.53   Shareholders are expecting a higher yield this year.
  note yield 0.46   Two-year note yields already have risen to reflect that expectation.
  bill yield 0.39   Doubt over the election outcome is another reason why bill yields are so high, traders said.
  earnings yield 0.39   Similarly, the earnings yield will equal the discount rate.
  grain yield 0.39   The grain yield also has been affected by bugs.
  par yield 0.39   The spot yields can be derived from the par yields as follows.
  potato yield 0.39   In return, the United States will help North Korea increase potato yields.
  income yield 0.33   Rising U.S. fixed income yields often attract cash away from stocks.
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