inner working 11.98   Quantum mechanics explains the inner workings of the atom.
  poor working 5.86   The working poor!
  busy working 2.04   Rafael Rivera, a welder, was too busy working.
  hard working 2.04   Hard working.
  internal working 1.65   The internal workings of the party remain cloaked in secrecy.
  comfortable working 1.58   Above all, Snipes is comfortable working.
  official working 1.05   A museum official working on the renovation, however, disputed that characterization.
  american working 0.92   Jerry Higginbotham said several men taunted him because he was an American working with the European team.
  normal working 0.79   The normal working of the airport was not disrupted.
  living working 0.72   I make a living working in the high-tech candy factory.
  long working 0.66   Billick plans to spend the days ahead working long and hard to find a solution.
  continued working 0.59   Partly as a result, federal investigators have continued working on the case.
  day-to-day working 0.59   Riney says he tries to avoid meddling in the day-to-day workings of the agency.
  canadian working 0.53   After Pamela Lee, Josh Jackson is probably the best-known Canadian working in television at the moment.
  ethnic working 0.53   All five were ethnic Chechens working for the news agencies, which also included WTN television.
  longer working 0.46   For some, rewards for working longer will be significant.
  national working 0.46   Klein is a Dutch national working with the Jakarta office of UNESCO as an environmental official.
  part-time working 0.46   But he called for development of part-time working and maintenance of a minimum wage.
  started working 0.46   Some entrepreneurs got started working out of their homes.
  better working 0.39   He said the workers were also pressing for better working and living conditions.
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